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Walewska J. (2015) Portret artysty jako inżyniera. Twórczość Edwarda Ihnatowicza / Portrait of the artist as an engineer: the works of Edward Ihnatowicz. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń. (in Polish)

Zivanovic A. (s.t.). The Senster. (retrieved 17.03.2010)

Zivanovic A., & Boyd Davis, S. (2011). Elegant motion: The Senster and other cybernetic sculptures by Edward Ihnatowicz. Kybernetes, 40(1/2), 47-62.

Olszewska A. (2018). Senster 2.0: Cultural context of media art curatorship. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2018). London, UK, 9 – 13 July 2018, p. 64-69  pdf

SENSTER w latach 70

o zaginionym dziele sztuki, raport tate modern

o edwardzie ihnatowiczu


SENSTER CODE 1971_discovered by Nick Lambert , published by Alex Zivanovic

 Alexa Zivanovic archives 
